Âderna Fìzika ta Energetika (Mar 2007)

Estimation of transfer factor of 137Cs on the trophic chain «suspensions → Exos Lucius (L)» in different reservoirs

  • O. L. Zarubin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1(19)
pp. 109 – 114


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Transfer factors of 137Cs on the trophic chain «suspensions → «Dreissena → Rutilus rutilus (L.) → «Esox lucius (L.)» were studied on water area of Kanevskoe reservoir, river Pripyat and cooling-pond of ChNPP in 1987 - 2005. As a rule, transfer factors of 137Cs were unstable. The maximal transfer factor of 137Cs (16) was registered on the subcircuit «R. rutilus → E. lucius» in cooling-pond of ChNPP in 1987.