MedEdPORTAL (May 2015)
How to Interpret an Audiogram: A Video Module
Abstract Hearing loss is a common disease and is best evaluated by an audiogram. Many medical students, residents, and general practitioners are not taught how an audiogram is performed or how to interpret audiogram data. This module contains two videos, each of which covers important portions of the audiogram (hearing test); two quizzes (each corresponding to one of the videos); and a PowerPoint presentation with examples of audiograms. The videos enumerate the basic mechanisms of an audiogram and describe how to interpret data generated during the test. This is a useful standardized instructional tool for otolaryngology resident training, as well as a general introduction to the subject for general practitioners. The modules are intended to be used for self-directed individual learning but could also be used in a classroom setting. Each video should be watched in its entirety prior to completing the corresponding self-assessment quiz. The audiogram examples should be reviewed after the quizzes have been completed. Otolaryngology residents in training programs at three institutions were given access to the two videos. The residents were asked to evaluate the quality of the videos and whether they were helpful in studying for the otolaryngology training examination. Feedback was unanimously positive.