Nature Conservation Research: Заповедная наука (May 2020)
Phytophagous beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae and Curculionoidea), protected and recommended for protection in the regions of the Middle Volga and the Urals
Using results of long-term studies of the two largest groups of phytophagous beetles in the East of the Russian Plain and the Urals, we carried out a critical overview of species included in Red Data Books of eight regions of the Russian Federation. In addition we proposed alternative lists of species of leaf-beetles (Chrysomelidae) and weevils (Curculionoidea), recommended for protection at the regional level. The species proposed for inclusion in the Red Data Books were selected using an indicator principle and the following criteria: i) close relation of species to anthropogenically vulnerable types of natural ecosystems; ii) a small number/singleness of species populations in a region; iii) limited distribution in a region; iv) isolation of populations of the main species' range; v) relic status of the species in a region; vi) narrow trophic specialisation of beetles to rare and threatened plant species. We demonstrated that of 26 species included in Red Data Books of at least one region, only 17 species do relatively comply to the criteria mentioned above. Six species (Cryptocephalus flavicollis, Chrysolina gypsophilae, Entomoscelis suturalis, Hispa atra, Eusomostrophus acuminatus, Omias verruca) are included in regional Red Data Book without sufficient reasons. The validity of classifying four more species (Coptocephala rubicunda rossica, Cryptocephalus bohemius, Oreina caerulea, Adosomus roridus) as protected is doubtful (i.e. additional data are needed to clarify their status). On the another hand, we encountered 31 non-Red Data Book beetle species, which are proposed for inclusion in Red Data Books of the whole Middle Volga and Urals area or in Red Data Books of certain regions. In total, we recommended 48 species of leaf-beetles and weevils for inclusion in regional Red Data Books of the study area. Of them, we recommended to include 17 species in the Red Data Book of the Orenburg region (now there are only three species protected in the region), 15 species in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan (now there is not any species protected in the region), 14 species in the Red Data Book of the Ulyanovsk region (now there are 12 species protected in the region), 14 species in the Red Data Book of the Samara region (now there are ten species protected in the region), 10 species in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Tatarstan (now there are only two species protected in the region), eight species in the Red Data Book of the Udmurt Republic (now there are only four species protected in the region), five species in the Red Data Book of the Permsky Krai (now there is not any species protected in the region), and four species in the Red Data Book of the Kirov region (now there is not any species protected in the region). We propose a need of serious revision of regional lists of Red Data Book insect species on the basis of deep knowledge on the regional fauna and unified science-based principles and criteria.