Esoterik: Jurnal Akhlak dan Tasawuf (Jun 2019)
Daya Perekat Menjadi Jamaah Tarekat Syattariyah: Kasuistis di Kudus
This article describes religious experience of Tarekat Syattariyah members in Kudus. It is qualitative research based on interview and observation among the members in Kudus. In general, Tarekat Syattariyah has three major teachings parts, include diety and nature, insan kamil, and dzikir. Implementation in dzikir for Tarekat Syattariyah members devided into three stages, mubtadi, mutawasitah, and muntahi. The members can reach these stages if they are able to carry out makrifat tanziyyah and makrifat tasybiyyah. The result shows that there are several things that make a tight relationship among Tarekat Syattariyah members in Kudus. There are mursyid’s and member’s concern in a financial issue, communality and brotherhood, and the members believe that the power of dzikir will help them to die peacefully (khusnul khotimah).