Port Said Engineering Research Journal (Sep 2016)
Analyzing Barrettes as Large-Section Supports by CCT
Most of soil structure interaction methods for analyzing large-section supports such as barrette foundation modeling the barrette and surrounding soil using 3D FE model. In which, the model leads to a large finite element mesh of a large system of linear equations to be solved. In this paper, a Composed Coefficient Technique (CCT) is adapted for analyzing barrette. The technique takes into account the 3D full interactions between barrette and the surrounding soil. Due to the high rigidity of the barrette relative to the surrounding soil, a uniform or variable settlement along the barrette height can be considered. This enables to compose the stiffness coefficients of the soil matrix into composed coefficients, which consequently leads to a significant reduction in the soil stiffness matrix. An application for analyzing barrette by CCT is carried on the soil of the new area of East Port Said, in where the typical soil stratification is very week and structures in this area need to be supported by deep foundations such as barrettes. The application presents guidelines and diagrams for barrettes that may be used in East Port Said.