Education Sciences (Jan 2023)

Teaching Machine Learning in K–12 Using Robotics

  • Georgios Karalekas,
  • Stavros Vologiannidis,
  • John Kalomiros

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 1
p. 67


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Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are pursued in most fields of data analysis, and have already become a part of everyday applications. As AI and ML are an integral part of the Industry 4.0 era, it becomes necessary to introduce a basic understanding of what AI and ML means and how it can be applied in K–12 education. Although educators need to prepare for this revolution, it is generally admitted that there is a shortage of suitable tools and methods toward this goal. In this article, we propose that it is necessary to design courses for machine learning using STEM-based robotic tools. We present selected robotic kits with ML capabilities that can be used to target concepts of machine learning in K–12 classrooms. Finally, we present our own conceptual rules on how constructivist educational robotics with AI capabilities can effectively support teaching scenarios in future K–12 curricula.
