مجلة التربية والعلم (Aug 2021)
Using Primers of Random Amplification Polymorphism DNA (RAPD) in Molecular Identification of Peach Cultivars Prunus persica (L.) Batsch Rosaceae
The present study includes identification of (9) cultivars of the species Prunus persica (L.) Batsch. Which were Early Grand , Babcock , Giant Babcock , Mammoth , Elberta , Cardinal , Blanko , Novadona ,and Transvalia cultivated in Ninevah Iraq by using random genetic primers in amplification polymorphic DNA (RAPD). (9) random primers were used and amplifications were deported within the agrose . The results showed that the amount of the nucleic acid ranged between (20-25) µg/ml of the leaves extract and reactions of the randomly amplification were carried out with (9) primers, all of them migrated within agarose gel, and generated an amplified bands of DNA. The results have admitted to the Computer and analyzed using private statistical program PAST. The results have showed that the genetic discrepancy value reached (0.7264) in Transvalia cultivar whereas the minimum value of the genetic variant reached to (0.108) in the cultivar Cardinal. The dendrogram was also showed that the cultivar Babcock, Giant Bacock, Transvalia and Novadona were the most similar to each other, whereas cultivars Cardinal was the most variant from the other cultivar studies.