Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo (Jan 2020)
Alternation And its 50 Years: A Training Possibility of Countryside Educations
This article presents the partial results of a research about the main theoretical and practical aspects of the alternation and its formative possibility in the education of the countryside. It is based on the reflections of the Pedagogy of Alternation and Field Education Working Group discussed at the International Seminar held in October 2018. On the occasion, the 50th anniversary of the Espírito Santo Promotional Education Movement (MEPES), the pioneering organization in Latin America, was celebrated, with the discussion on networks of emancipatory cooperation in integral formation and sustainable development. It makes theoretical interlocutions with Gimonet (2002, 2007); Garcia-Marirrodriga (2002); Puig-Calvó (2002); Caliari (2002); Molina (2010) and Antunes-Rocha (2010). Methodologically, the study made use of a focus group (Gatti, 2012), showing results regarding the importance of alternation in the training of peasants, the relevance of Training Centers for Alternation (CEFFAs) to strengthen family farming and the organicity of the assumptions of training in alternation with the Countryside Education Movement, especially regarding the relationship with the demands for integral formation and sustainability.