Sport Mont (Jun 2014)


  • Malsor Gjonbalaj,
  • Bahri Gjinovci

Journal volume & issue
Vol. XII, no. 40-41-42
pp. 21 – 27


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Introduction: The increase in sports results today not only identifies the quantity (volume and intensity) of the work put in, but also the quality (changing the stereotypical notion of effort, eliminating redundant movements, rationalizing the sport in all elements etc). All of these circumstances and factors referred in this paper are stimulated through practical methods for processing positive results and aiming to present a realistic and factual reflection of the current condition, particularly emphasizing the evaluation of several anthropometric and motor characteristics of the players in both volleyball clubs from Prishtina. Methods: These methods are elaborated among arithmetic methods, variance, standard deviation and standard error of the arithmetic mean, the coefficient of variance, the maximum and minimum score test, the score in accordance to the Pearson correlation coefficient-whereas the instruments measured 14 variables such as anthropometric 8, 4 motors and 2 situational. The main purpose to which is addressed in this paper is verifying the situation and the differences between the players in two of the clubs by analyzing the results from the variables I have chosen. Results: The results show that there is a significant differentiation between one volleyball group to the other in terms of motor, anthropometric and situational. This is proven by the results of the data based on the parameters abovementioned. Discussion: Results acquired on in the research, verifies the hypotheses which sets forth previously, it helps to us to understand that the main goal in this research has largely been achieved. Statistical methods that have been processed results may explain the state of anthropometric and motor characteristics. Moreover, with the help of T-test we came to understand the valuable statistical differences between two clubs which have been subject to research. These results are best justified considering the fact that the first group of fallow this year was much more successful than the second group. In the current discussion on the results obtained from anthropometric and motor variables give us a clear picture of the actual situation on morphological characteristics and motor skills, the players of these two groups/clubs. References: Bompa T (2000) Periodization: Theory and Methodology of Traning. Ilinois, USA. Frohreich H, Irmgard D, Konzag K (1992) Voleyball Spielend Trainieren. Berlin, Germany. Tahiraj E, Rexhepi F (2010) Some main morphological characteristics and locomotive-technical of national teams at the grand prix 2010 in volleyball (women). 14-symposium for the sport to Physical Education in young people, Ohrid, Macedonia. Kostic R (2000) Theory and Methodology of Sports Training Volleyball games, Nis, Serbia.