Glossa (Jun 2018)
-Able adjectives and the syntax of psych verbs
This paper deals with some restrictions on the formation of -able adjectives from object experiencer verbs in comparison to subject experiencer verbs, focusing on English and Greek. Building on Oltra-Massuet (2013), the paper assumes that there are two places of attachment for -able, a high one, which combines with a structure including passive Voice, and a low one, which combines with a smaller structure. While subject experiencer verbs combine with low -able in both languages, the behavior of object experiencer verbs is not uniform. The unavailability of high -able formation with object experiencer verbs is correlated with the unavailability of passivization. In English, only those object experiencer verbs that yield a well-formed passive can combine with high -able. In Greek, OE verbs do not form passives or -able adjectives. The differences between English and Greek are accounted for by appealing to differences in their Voice systems, with specific reference to passive formation.