Revista Cubana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular (Jan 2011)
Management of acute myocardial infarction at Hermanos Ameijeiras Coronary Care Unit. 2006-2007
Introduction The AMI constitutes the first cause of death, for that reason is considered onethe most important problems of health that faces the western society.Objetive To characterize the management of patients with acute myocardial infarction(AMI) diagnosis, who entered in the Coronary Care Unit of the HermanosAmeijeiras Hospital, in the period from February 2006 to January 2008.Method A descriptive, transverse study was carried out, in the Coronary Care Unit of theHermanos Ameijeiras Hospital, in the period from February 1st, 2006 to January31st, 2008. The study universe was conformed by 182 hospitalized patientswith the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction at the mentioned unit.Results The male patients older than 60 years old prevailed, as well as the arterialhypertension as risk factor. More than one third of the cases came fromother hospitals of Havana City, the largest time of symptoms evolution belongedto those cases coming from other places different from Havana City. Thepatients with supra-desnivel of ST segment and functional classificationKillip-Kimball I prevailed. The pharmacological treatments more used were theheparin, the aspirin, the inhibitors of the angiotensine converter enzyme andthe betablockers. The method of coronary reperfusion more used, in the ST segment elevation AMI, was the PCTA, mainly the differed one; thethrombolisis was carried out in one third of these patients. The third part of thepatients with AMI without ST segment elevation was treated with angioplastia.More than half of the cases didn't have complications and the mortalitywas low.Conclusions The male patients older than 60 years old prevailed, as well as the arterialhypertension as a risk factor. Thrombolisis was carried out in a third of thesepatients. The third part of the patients with IAM without high ST was treatedwith angioplastia. More than half of the cases didn't present complicationsand the mortality was low.