EduSer (Oct 2023)
Safeguarding the human researcher in planetary decoloniality
Decoloniality in its inclusive sense, the planetary plays an essential role, the apodictic to complexity allows the understanding of the research subject as a human being in his respect for the human condition and the role of his education and liberating research. From decolonial rhizomatic investigations, where the author is liberated in her feelings and contributions to the investigation, the safeguarding of the human being researcher in planetary decoloniality is analyzed, which is the complex objective of the investigation. With a transmethodology and the transmethod comprehensive, ecosophical and diatopian hermeneutics; in analytical, empirical and propositional moments. With exceptional categories such as: human condition, ecosophy and diatopia. In the propositional moment, the dignity of his own history and complexity: nature-body-mind-soul-spirit-God in his human actions, he recovers in the exercise of his complex way of acting that refers him to an essence of love for the Earth as homeland.