Politeja (Jul 2016)

Transfer wiedzy i dobrych praktyk w zakresie rynku telekomunikacyjnego Ukrainy i Gruzji w latach 2005‑2012 realizowanych przez Urząd Komunikacji Elektronicznej jako przykład subsydiarności Polski na rzecz rozwoju

  • Agnieszka Kamińska

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 4 (43)


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The transfer of knowledge and good practices in the telecommunications market of Ukraine and Georgia in 2005‑2012 carried out by the Office of Electronic Communications as an example of subsidiarity Polish development This article is a brief summary of the role of subsidiarity (Polish Aid) in the process of telecommunications regulatory changes implemented in Georgia and Ukraine during 2005‑2012 years. It is characteristics of the aid granted in the framework of development for mentioned recipients for aid. It discusses the technical assistance granted under performed by the Office of Electronic Communications projects. Attention is paid to the factors that determine development activities, among which are m.in: limited effectiveness of current activities, the democratization of international relations and globalization. It was noted that development cooperation should take into account the demand, “recipient” and not focus only on offer “donor” of that assistance. Furthermore, this assistance should take into account the specific political and economic situation of the recipient country.
