Векторы благополучия: экономика и социум (Jun 2023)


  • Natalia G. Maksimova

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 49, no. 2
pp. 131 – 146


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The article presents the theoretical approaches of foreign and domestic authors to the definition of subcultures, including youth subcultures. The subcultural phenomenon of sсhoolshooting as a progressive destructive phenomenon of modern society is considered. The issues of functioning of sсhoolshooting subculture are analyzed, the mechanisms, ways of interaction, «cultural scenarios» that operate within the subculture are highlighted. The reasons for adolescents to join the subculture of sсhoolshooting are described. The accession of young people to the subculture of sсhoolshooting can be caused by various reasons, problems and factors, which within the framework of this work are united into three groups: social problems, psychological problems and socio-cultural processes. The main result of the study is the construction of a model of the subcultural foundations of sсhoolshooting, which presents the main aspects of the functioning of this subculture. The genesis of sсhoolshooting has ontological, axiological, and anthropological foundations. The analysis of sсhoolshooting subculture is possible through a polyparadigmatic approach, which implies the use of social action theory, deformation theory, deviation theory and subcultures. The role of the media in functioning of the sсhoolshooting subculture is defined. On the one hand, the media actually play a key role in shaping the subculture of sсhoolshooting by broadcasting and replicating role models of behavior to the masses. But, on the other hand, the media can perform the function of destroying myths and stereotypes associated with sсhoolshooting. The article also presents the social mechanisms through which adolescents can get into the subculture of sсhoolshooting. Three mechanisms are highlighted: «digital mediation», imitation, and social contamination. As the main outcome of the article, the main subcultural foundations of sсhoolshooting are highlighted. These are ideological and semantic, social, psychological, and cultural bases.
