Социальная психология и общество (Jun 2016)
Developing orphan children in adoption family and institutionalizing. Book review of: “The problem of orphanhood in modern Russia: The psychological aspect”. A.V. Makhnach, A.M. Prikhozhan, N.N. Tolstykh (Eds.). Moscow: Institute of Psychology RAS Publishing House, 2015. 670 p.
The review contains detailed and full analysis of the study , which helps to understand some possibilities of psychological development of children who remained with- out parents, in situation of socializing and in adoption family, as well as to understand challenges for such families. This work deals with various aspects of development and upbringing of children in early ages: preschool, elementary school and teenagers. Anal- ysis of important contemporary issues has been done, such as international adoption, professional approach of adoption families, its status, difficulties and problem solving suggested by Russian, Italian and Spanish scientists.