Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education (Jul 2008)
Overcoming the Technical Nature in Learning Translation: Cabri Geometry, a Tool to Sustain Conceptual Comprehension?
This article presents the results of a didactic experimentation conducted with two elementary pupils (11-12 years of age) in a Quebec school in the of learning geometric translation with a mathematical software, called Cabri Geometry. The teaching-learning sequence experimented with Barth’s (2001) process of conceptualization. The working strategies of pupils were analyzed in relationship to this process. Their comprehension of the concept of translation was considered before and after the teaching-learning sequence using the Herscovics and Bergeron (1988) model of comprehension of conceptual schemata. Results indicated that by following the teachinglearning sequence, the logical mathematical comprehension of the concept of translation evolved in the pupils, while the logical- physical comprehension of this concept remained inaccurate. Moreover, the results revealed different utilization procedures of Cabri Geometry software. These utilization procedures likely affected the process of conceptualization and, consequently, the comprehension of pupils.