Cybergeo (Jan 2016)

Saisir l’étalement urbain dans un contexte états-unien : réflexions méthodologiques

  • Pascale Nédélec



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Urban sprawl is one of those terms that became a major keyword in the scientific sphere as well as in everyday uses, to the extent that it is often considered as self-explanatory. Based on a literature study on urban sprawl this paper highlights the plural understandings of the term that result from a lack of consensus on a common definition. Thus, this paper aims at questioning urban sprawl by asserting its polysemy. Starting with an overview of the methodologies used among the scientific community, the research reveals a dual meaning of the term, considering urban sprawl from a point of view either statistical (quantitative approach) or morphological and functional (qualitative approach). More specifically the analysis is anchored in the United States, where sprawl historically emerged and shows its most advanced expressions. Building on a selection of case studies (Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Nashville), the inputs and limits of both approaches are considered, and a discrepancy is proven between perceptions and reality when studying urban sprawl in the US.
