Intexto (Dec 2008)
Paródia/Carnavalização e Função Poética em a Invenção do Brasil
Parody/carnavalization and poetic function in the invention of Brazil. The conception of parody/carnavalization by Mikhail Bakthin and the poetry function, according to Roman Jackbson are the theoric bases that keep our analysis of the TV-show The invention of Brazil. In general, the works which approach historic phases follow an 'educative' line centred in the verosimilitude of naturalism in the language’s emotive function and makes possible the emotional relief process. This program goes in the opposite direction, because it presents the true, it inquires every time, and it remembers the television viewer that every version is always an ideologic position faced with world instead. The language's poetic function, which shows us the difference between this work and other productions; it starts out with a legend, changes roles and leaves the television viewers with more questions about the true history of our past published by official historians.