Acta Carsologica (May 2016)

The Protection of Karst Aquifers: the Example of the Bistrica Karst Spring (SW Slovenia)

  • Gregor Kovačič

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 32, no. 2


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Kraški izviri predstavljajo pomemben vir pitne vode tako v Sloveniji kot v svetu. Zaradi specifične zgradbe so kraški vodonosniki v večini zelo občutljivi na onesnaženje. Avtor na primeru kraškega izvira Bistrica izpostavi problematiko varovanja kraške podtalnice ter predstavi glavne pomanjkljivosti ter slabosti sedanje zakonodaje in uveljavljene prakse na področju varovanja kraških vodonosnikov v Sloveniji. Kljub relativno ugodnim razmeram za varovanje (redka poseljenost, manj intenzivno kmetijstvo,…) v primerjavi s kraškimi območji drugod po svetu je veliko pomembnih kraških izvirov slabo zavarovanih. Vodovarstveni režimi so največkrat slabo definirani, nadzor nad izvajanjem zaščitnih ukrepov pa neučinkovit. Karst springs are important drinking water sources both in Slovenia and elsewhere in the world. Due to their specific structure, karst aquifers are in most cases highly vulnerable to pollution. Through the example of the Bistrica karst spring, the author highlights the problems of karst groundwater protection and presents the main shortcomings and weaknesses of the relevant legislation in force and of established practices in the field of the protection of karst aquifers in Slovenia. Despite relatively favourable conditions for water protection (scarce population, less intensive agricultural activities etc.) as compared with karst areas elsewhere in the world, many important karst springs in Slovenia are improperly protected. Water protection regimes are often established inappropriately and control over the implementation of protective measures is inefficient.