Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (May 2021)

İş Yeri Nezaketsizliğinin Bilgi Paylaşma Tutumu Ve İş Çıktıları Üzerindeki Etkisinde Etik İklimin Aracı Rolü

  • Tahir AKGEMCİ

Journal volume & issue
no. 33
pp. 97 – 112


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Bu araştırmanın amacı hemşirelerin iş yerinde karşılaştıkları nezaketsiz davranışların bilgi paylaşma tutumları, iş doyumları, işten ayrılma niyetleri ve performansları üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Ayrıca değişkenler arasındaki ilişkide etik iklimin aracı role sahip olup olmadığı da incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın evrenini Konya ili devlet, özel ve üniversite hastanelerinde görev yapan 507 hemşire oluşturmaktadır. Veriler anket formu ile toplanmış ve analizlerde SPSS ve AMOS paket programları kullanılmıştır. Araştırma da iş yeri nezaketsizliği ‘‘diğer hemşirelerden görülen nezaketsizlik’’, ‘‘amir/yöneticiden görülen nezaketsizlik’’, ‘‘doktorlardan görülen nezaketsizlik’’ ve ‘‘hasta/ hasta yakınlarından görülen nezaketsizlik’’ olmak üzere 4 boyutta incelenmiştir. Analizler sonucunda iş yeri nezaketsizliği boyutlarının bilgi paylaşma tutumu üzerinde herhangi bir etkisi bulunmamıştır. Bununla birlikte, amir/yöneticiden ve doktorlardan görülen nezaketsizliğin iş doyumunu, işten ayrılma niyetini ve performansı etkilediği görülmüştür. Ayrıca iş yeri nezaketsizliği boyutlarının iş doyumu ve işten ayrılma niyeti üzerindeki etkisinde etik iklim algısının aracılık (kısmı/tam) ettiği tespit edilmiştir EXTENDED SUMMARY Research Problem The main purpose of this study is to determine the effect of workplace incivility on knowledge sharing attitude, job satisfaction, turnover intention and employee performance and to determine whether ethical climate has a mediating role in this relationship. Research Questions Does workplace incivility have an impact on knowledge sharing attitude? Does workplace incivility have an impact on job satisfaction? Does workplace incivility have an impact on employee performance? Does workplace incivility have an effect on the turnover intention? Does workplace incivility have an impact on the perceived ethical climate? What is the mediating role of ethical climate in these relationships? Literature Review Workplace incivility is rude and nonethical behaviors faced by colleagues or managers of employees in working life. Considering the studies on workplace incivility it has been found that there is little debate in the health sector. However, one of the sectors where emotional and physical violence is most experienced is the health sector. Studies have determined that nurses are the group most exposed to workplace incivility. Nurses report that they are exposed to courtesy from both their colleagues and patients and their relatives. There are some damages to the individual and the organization of exhibiting these behaviors, in which general moral rules are ignored. Harms to the individual; migraine, headache, fatigue, sleep disorders, depression, stress, and tantrums. In organizational terms, it has consequences such as job dissatisfaction, job stress, burnout, low performance and leaving the job. In addition, it is known that employees exposed to incivility show a negative attitude towards sharing information. Job satisfaction is the feeling of satisfaction and dissatisfaction felt by the employee with his job. The higher the pleasure and happiness of the employee towards his job, the higher the job satisfaction. The intention to leave is the intention of an employee to decide whether to stay in the organization they work for. It would not be good for an organization to have high turnover rates. For this reason, it is important for the organization to know the intention and behavior of employees to leave their jobs. Finally, employee performance shows to what extent the employee achieves the tasks assigned to him. In this study, the relationship and direction between incivility, knowledge sharing attitude, job satisfaction, turnover intention, employee performance and ethical climate variables were examined. The importance of the study is that there is no one else that examines the relationship between the variables of the study. In addition, it is thought that this study will contribute to the national literature due to the limited number of studies on workplace incivility and knowledge sharing attitude in our country. Methodology The research has been conducted on 507 nurses working in hospitals associated to the Ministry of Health, university hospitals and private hospitals in the central districts of Konya. In this study, Nurse Incivility Scale (NIS) which was developed for nurses was used. The validity and reliability analyzes of the scale questions have been made. The data obtained have been analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling and the findings have been reported. Results and Conclusions As a result of the analysis, there is no effect of workplace incivility on the attitude of sharing knowledge. In contrast to the literature, it has been observed that the incivility seen by the supervisors, managers and doctors positively affects job satisfaction.It has been determined that nurses ' incivility from supervisors, managers and doctors increased their intention to quit. In addition, it has been observed that the nurses' incivility from their supervisors, managers, doctors and patients and their relatives decrease their job performance. It has been observed that nurses' incivility behaviors from supervisors, managers, doctors, and patients/patient relatives reduce their positive ethical climate perceptions. It has been determined that ethical climate perception negatively affects job satisfaction. In the analyzes, it has been seen that the perception of ethical climate negatively affect the turnover intention. Besides, there is no statistically significant effect of ethical climate perception on employee performance. The model created to test the effect of mediation and the results of the analysis; It has been observed that the perceived ethical climate fully mediates the effect of the incivility attitudes seen by the supervisors or managers on job satisfaction. It has been observed that the perceived ethical climate partially mediates the effect of the incivility attitudes seen by doctors on job satisfaction. It has been observed that the perceived ethical climate fully mediates the effect of the impolite attitudes of the supervisors or managers on the intention to quit. It has been observed that the perceived ethical climate fully mediate the effect of the incivility attitudes of the doctors on the intention to quit.
