Bìznes Inform (Apr 2020)
The Intellectual Property Market in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects
The article is aimed at analyzing the structure and indicators of the intellectual property market in Ukraine, identifying major problems and prospects for their solution. The market of objects of intellectual property (OIP) is being formed in the process of their commercialization and is a system of economic relations regarding their purchase or sale. Results of estimation of main indicators of the functioning of market of OIP allowed to reach the following conclusions. There is a positive dynamics of growth of innovation activity by mastering the new types of products at industrial enterprises for a significant lag in the implementation of progressive technological processes, in particular resource-saving technologies. The improving and often «borrowed» innovations are introduced most often. The level of financing the research and development is extremely low and does not reach even 0,5% of the gross domestic product. The inventive activity of domestic developers has a negative tendency, while the number of the registered OIP on the part of foreign applicants is increasing. To ensure the effectiveness of the intellectual property market in Ukraine, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for all its participants to maximally transparent implementation of all operations and to gain benefit with minimal participation of public administration and control bodies. The State should ensure investment in scientific, technical and innovation spheres due to the increase of financial support, use of privatization, tax, depreciation and financial credit policy mechanisms.