BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2021)

Taxonomic analysis of flora diversity in Daursky Biosphere reserve

  • Saraeva Lyudmila

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 38
p. 00108


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The article presents a taxonomic analysis of the Daursky reserve’s flora. 634 species and subspecies of vascular plants (including 608 aboriginal and 30 adventive) have been identified, they belong to 290 genera and 74 families. The leading families amount to 476 species of aboriginal flora (75% of total number) and 149 genera (23 %). The taxonomic spectre is headed by the families Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Rosaceae, Cyperaceae. The most part of the species are of the genera Carex, Artemisia, Potentilla. The adventives flora includes 30 species from 22 genera and 15 families or 5% of the reserve’s flora composition. The largest number of species is registered in the families Chenopodiaceae and Poaceae. In the flora of the Daursky reserve 28 species of vascular plants are identified that are listed on the Red Books of the Russian Federation and Zabaikalsky krai. The area of the Daursky reserve (2% of the territory of Zabaikalsky krai) has a high level of biological diversity (it conserves 37% of the flora richness of Zabaikalsky krai), representativeness, special nature-protecting value and significance.