Langkau Betang: Jurnal Arsitektur (Oct 2020)
Masjid kerajaan di Surakarta yaitu Masjid Agung dan Masjid Al Wustho memiliki karakter kawasan yang berbeda. Kawasan Masjid Agung merupakan kawasan fungsi perdagangan yang ramai, sementara kawasan Masjid Al Wustho adalah kawasan fungsi pendidikan yang cenderung lebih tenang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik lingkungan sonik di kedua masjid, apakah fungsi kawasan berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan sonik yang terbentuk sesuai dengan karakter aktifitasnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan objektif melalui perekaman kondisi eksisting lingkungan sonik menggunakan H6Zoom dan analisis simulasi melalui program Audacity dan Surfer Mapping. Pendekatan subjektif dengan pengamatan aktivitas dan perilaku on-site survey serta wawancara. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan karakter lingkungan sonik berbeda antara kedua masjid. Tingkat tekanan bunyi atau SPL rata-rata Masjid Agung adalah 60.8 dB, lebih rendah dari Masjid Al Wustho yang memiliki nilai SPL 63.8 dB. Fungsi kawasan tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai SPL, melainkan komponen lanskap yang memiliki pengaruh. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap perencanaan kawasan atau public space dengan pengurangan kebisingan lingkungan melalui pemilihan jenis material lanskap seperti pasir laut pantai selatan, vegetasi dan air serta perencanaan jalur sirkulasi yang terarah. SONIC ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS IN THE ROYAL MOSQUE IN SURAKARTA The royal mosque in Surakarta, namely the Grand Mosque and the Al Wustho Mosque, has a distinctly urban character. The Grand Mosque area is a busy trade function area, while the Al Wustho Mosque area is an educational function area that tends to be quieter. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the sonic environment in the two mosques, whether the area's function affects the sonic environment which is formed according to the character of its activities. The research was conducted with an objective approach by recording the existing sonic environment conditions using H6Zoom and simulation analysis through the Audacity and Surfer Mapping programs., A subjective approach by observing activities and behavior on-site surveys and interviews. The results indicated that the sonic environment character was different between the two mosques. The sound pressure level or SPL of the Great Mosque average is 60.8 dB, lower than the Al Wustho Mosque, which has an SPL value of 63.8 dB. The area's function does not affect the SPL value, but rather the landscape component that does. This research can contribute to area planning or public space be better by reducing environmental noise by selecting landscape material types such as south coast sea sand, vegetation, water, and directed circulation path planning.