Управленческое консультирование (Jan 2024)
Analysis of Regional Secondary Vocational Education: What Is the Priority?
The state of the system of secondary vocational education in the regions of Russia is studied on the basis of an analysis of the quantitative parameters of the specialties/professions for which training is provided. A methodological basis for further research has been developed, including the definition of a priority specialty/profession for the region, based on the calculated index of the revealed comparative advantage, and a mechanism for compensating some specialties by others according to three different scenarios.The dependences between the share of specialty and the share of regions in which this specialty is a priority are considered, the hypothesis of the relationship between the share of specialties/professions in which the region has a revealed comparative advantage and interregional migration of the population for the age range of 14–19 years, which occurs over education export account.A hypothesis has been put forward and confirmed that a high proportion of specialties/professions in which the region has a revealed comparative advantage is associated with a low diversification of professions/specialties in the region, which in turn is due not to the real need of the region’s economy, but rather to the unpreparedness or inability of educational institutions region to develop open source software.