Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (Jan 2023)
Cost optimization in cloud environment based on task deadline
Abstract The popularity of cloud and fog services has raised the number of users exponentially. Main advantage of Cloud/fog infrastructure and services are crucial specially for commercial users from diverse areas. The variety of service requests with different deadlines makes the task of a service broker challenging. The fog and cloud users always lookfor a suitable compromise between cost and quality of service in terms of response time therefore, the cost optimization is vital for the cloud/fog service providers to capture the market. In this paper an algorithm, Cost Optimization in the cloud/fog environment based on Task Deadline (COTD) is proposed that optimizes cost without compromising the response time. In this algorithm the task deadline is considered as a constraint and an appropriate data center for task processing is selected. The proposed algorithm is suitable for runtime decision making due to its low complexity. The proposed algorithm is evluated using a well-known simulation tool Cloud Analyst. Our comprehensive testbed simulations show that COTD outperforms the existing schemes, Service Proximity Based Routing and Performance-Optimized Routing. The proposed algorithm successfully minimizes the cost by 35% on average while maintaining the response time.