EtnoAntropologia (Dec 2023)

I rifugiati e le “soluzioni durevoli”: un’analisi critica a partire dal caso ugandese Refugees and the “durable solutions”: critical insights starting from the Ugandan case

  • Alessandro Gusman

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 2


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The UNHCR officially provides three “durable solutions” to the condition of refugee: voluntary repatriation, local integration, and resettlement. However, in many cases these solutions remain only on paper, not being feasible in reality for most refugees. Taking as its starting point a critical analysis of refugee management in the countries of the Great Lakes Region in Africa, with a particular focus on the case of Congolese refugees in Uganda, this article seeks to investigate how these solutions are conceived and negotiated by refugees themselves in their experience. Viewed from this context, the three durable solutions show their contradictory nature: repatriation is made impossible by the continuing conflicts in Congo DRC; local integration is hampered by the lack of access to citizenship, while resettlement is reserved to a very limited number of people. Given these conditions, many refugees find themselves in a situation of protracted limbo.
