Journal of Gandhara Medical and Dental Sciences (Mar 2015)
Frequency of Causative Bacteria in Urinary Tract Infection in Children
Objective: This study was designed to know frequency of different bacteria causing urinary tract infection in children in our region. Study design: case series Place and duration of study: This study was performed in Pediatric department of Naseer Teaching Hospital Kabir Medical College Peshawar, from august 2011 to January 2014. Methodology: A total of 550 sample of urine were sent for culture and sensitivity, of which 100 cases were found positive for bacterial growth. Urine samples have been collected with care from preventing from contamination by different techniques like mid stream urine collection, suprapubic aspirate and catheterization in few cases. Bacterial growth of 105 or more were consider positive growth. Results: our results showed that E-coli was the most common bacteria causing UTI in 66% of cases, followed by klebsheila (14%), proteus(12%) and staphaureus(5%).Pseudomonas, Enterobacter and entrococcus were present in 1% cases each. Uti was common in females (58%) than male (42%). Conclusion: UTI is common problem in all age groups of children-coli are the most common pathogen causing UTI. Females are having more common this problem than male, while in infancy males are more prone to UTI as compare to female.