National Journal of Community Medicine (Oct 2021)
A Cross Sectional Study of Knowledge of Diabetes among Care Givers of Diabetic Patient Attending OPD in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Southern Rajasthan, India
Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus is a one of the most challenging public health problem of 21stcentury. It currently affects over 463 million people worldwide and this figure is likely to 700 million by2045.Caregivers carry the responsibility for demanding daily care, support and supervision.This study was conducted among care givers of diabetic patients for assessment of knowledge of diabetes. Methodology: This study was institution based cross sectional study conducted on Adult (age>18Years) care givers of diabetic patient who attending OPD in SRG hospital a tertiary care teaching hospital of Jhalawar, Rajasthan. Simple Random Allocation sampling method was used followed by interview of 147 participants. Results: Knowledge of Diabetes among Care givers was average in >1/3rd (38.1%)followed by either good (31.3%) or poor (30.6%). In present study proportion of good knowledge was high among urban residents 35.7%compare to rural dwellers (4.8%). There was significant association found between education and occupation of caregiver knowledge about Diabetes. Statistically non-significant association was observed between Religion, type of family and marital status of caregivers and their knowledge of diabetes. Conclusion: Present study revealed only 31.3%study participants had good knowledge about diabetes. Knowledge about diabetes was significantly higher in urban area (35.7%), with more educated individuals and professionals by occupation.