Revista de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Nov 2014)

Meaning of death of the surgical patient experienced by the nursing team

  • Anna Maria Oliveira Salimena,
  • Gisele da Cruz Ferreira,
  • Maria Carmen Simões Cardoso de Melo,
  • Ivis Emília de Oliveira Souza

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 3
pp. 645 – 651


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Objective: to understand the meaning of the death of the surgical patient in the experience of the nursing team. Method: qualitative phenomenological research carried out in a public hospital in Zona da Mata, in Minas Gerais. For the data collection, open interviews were conducted with ten nursing professionals from March to May of 2011. The comprehensive analysis revealed the meaning unit: death as the end of the patient’s suffering and accomplishment of the professionals. Results: although it is considered a natural process of the life cycle, death is not expected or seen as a possibility. However, the feelings of the team which takes care of the surgical patient’s recovery can be either of relief from suffering or of fulfillment of their competences. Final Considerations: it is necessary to prepare the professionals to face death and the process of dying.
