Salāmat-i kār-i Īrān (Mar 2018)
The effect of personal protective equipment on plasma cholinesterase activity of spraying farmers in cucumber fields
Background and aims: Researches show that exposure to pesticides is occupationally common in agricultural task. Organophosphate (OP) compounds are diverse classes of pesticides with the most well known applications as insecticides and, to a lesser extent, as herbicides in agriculture. Organophosphate poisoning (OPP) is a major problem worldwide, especially in developing countries, with millions of cases and hundreds of thousands of deaths occurring each year. Methods: A total of 34 patients of male farmers spraying 20 to 60 years that exposure to organophosphate insecticides in the South West region were selected and were divided into two groups. 17 patients as controls were studied among people who were not farmers. Protective clothing was offered to a group of farmers to use them during spraying. While another group of farmers in their daily work without the use of protective clothing were studied in this way. After spraying operation a blood sample collected from the three groups and their plasma cholinesterase activity was evaluated by DGKC method. Results: After spraying, the mean plasma cholinesterase enzyme in the control group was 8516.3 and in without clothes was 13655.8. But in the group with clothes enzyme average was 11639.3. Conclusion: Organophosphorus pesticide poisoning in our country is one of the main causes of poisoning among farmers. However, according to the results of research and assessment of exposure to organophosphate insecticides and affect the levels of cholinesterase enzyme indicated It can be said that the use of appropriate personal protective equipment has essential role in reducing the level of damage to the enzyme cholinesterase.