Sport TK (Mar 2016)
Quality of leadership in basic training
The aim of the article is to identify the kind of leadership in first-year students in the Degree of Sport and Exercise Sciences, who will become leaders of human team-groups. The sample is constitute by 112 students; 76 (67.9 %) are men and 36 (32.1 %) are women. The spanish version of Cuestionario de Liderazgo Multifactorial was provided to them. The results show a greatest idealized influence (attribution) with the average of 2.86, while the Laissez Faire behavior got 1.29 which can be categorize as merely symbolic. It determines that the sample students use preferably the transformational model, closely followed by the transactional one. The later fact will have an effect on the human team-groups they could lead, answering then, to the rising organizational contexts that mainly demand actions-qualities-attributes to be present in this model.