RUHS Journal of Health Sciences (Aug 2023)

Comparison of Rate of Space Closure using Active Tie Back and NiTi Coil Spring in Angle's Class I Bi-Max Malocclusion Subjects following Piezocorticision

  • Ishan Grover , Harshpreet Kaur , Vijay Agarwal , Karam Deep Ahluwalia , Lokendra Singh Dagur , Ankur Dhur



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Introduction: With an increase in the patient's demand for a faster orthodontic treatment, different ways to accelerate orthodontic treatment have been commonly used by clinicians all over. One such treatment modality is the use of Piezocorticision to fasten the treatment. In our study, this modality was effectively used to accelerate the treatment and a comparison of the two commonly used methods of en-masse anterior retraction namely the active tie back and the NiTi closed coil spring are compared as to which gives a faster space closure. Methodology: The present study was conducted using a split mouth technique, designed in a total of 20 Angle class I bimaxillary protrusion subjects in the Department of Orthodontics. Upon reaching 19x25 SS, upper 4s were extracted and Piezocorticotomy was done. An active tie back was given on the right side and a NiTi closed coil spring in the upper left quadrant. Patient was recalled every 3 weeks and space closure was evaluated. Results:There was no statistically significant difference in the rate of space closure by both the methods, with greater st rate of tooth movement seen with NiTi closed coil in 1 and rd th th 3 appointments and lesser in 4 and 5 appointments. Conclusion: Piezocision technique is one of the newest techniques in accelerating tooth movement, it has good clinical outcome, and is considered less invasive in the surgical approach.
