Język. Religia. Tożsamość (Dec 2023)
Językowy i społeczno-kulturowy obraz życia wsi kujawskiej na przełomie XIX i XX w. na podstawie powieści Franciszka Becińskiego "Wieś na zakręcie drogi"
In the historical sciences for some time there has been a tendency to describe the history of the Polish peasantry through his eyes. Thanks to this approach, not only purely historical accounts gain importance, but also literary testimonies. One of them is the novel by the peasant writer and poet Franciszek Beciński, The Village on the Bend of the Road, presenting a wide, colorful panorama of life in the Kuyavian countryside at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and representing the peasant's point of view. According to the ethnolinguistic concept of profiling, the capacity of the concept of LUD (folk, people) was presented by means of various linguistic, cultural and social oppositions. In Beciński's works, the oppositions of village and manor, folk and church, religiosity and ludic character, women and men are particularly visible. The analysis within the described profiles allows us to draw the conclusion that the history of the Kuyavian village at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries cannot be captured only from the perspective of the violence of the lord over the peasant, and social relations, both within the village itself and between the village and the manor house, were here much more complicated.