Biology of Sport (Mar 2022)

Does beta-alanine supplementation enhance adaptations to resistance training? A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study

  • Julio Benvenutti Bueno de Camargo,
  • Felipe Brigatto,
  • Rafael Zaroni,
  • Moises Germano,
  • Darlan Souza,
  • Reury Bacurau,
  • Paulo Marchetti,
  • Tiago Braz,
  • Marcelo Aoki,
  • Charles Lopes

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 40, no. 1
pp. 217 – 224


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The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of beta-alanine supplementation on muscle strength and thickness. Nineteen resistance-trained men (age: 27.3±5.5 years; height: 178±10 cm; body mass: 83.4±9.7 kg; training experience: 5.9±3.9 years) were allocated to one of the following groups: Beta-alanine (BA) (6.4 g/day of beta-alanine) or Placebo (PLA) (6.4 g/day of maltodextrin). Subjects completed 4 resistance training sessions per week for 8 weeks. The following assessments were performed before and after intervention periods: 1 repetition maximum (1RM) and 60%1RM tests in the bench press (60%1RMBENCH) and back squat (60%1RMSQUAT) exercises; muscle thickness assessment of biceps brachialis (MTBB), triceps brachialis (MTTB), and vastus lateralis (MTVL) by ultrasonography. No significant difference between groups was observed for the absolute increase (pre-post intervention) in the 1RMBENCH (mean difference = 0.8 kg; p = 0.679), 1RMSQUAT (mean difference = 0.1 kg; p = 0.992), MTBB (mean difference = 0.7 mm; p = 0.637), MTTB (mean difference = 1.4 mm; p = 0.282), MTVL (mean difference = 1.6 mm; p = 0.311), 60%1RMBENCH (mean difference = 0.5 repetitions; p = 0.670) and 60%1RMSQUAT (mean difference = 0.7 repetitions; p = 0.690). In conclusion, the 8-week training period induced significant strength and morphological responses. However, the addition of beta-alanine supplementation did not enhance these adaptive outcomes.
