Историческая этнология (Jan 2019)
About the book by B.G. Ayagan “Abulkhair Sheybanid – the last ruler of Dashti-Qipchaq”
In the studying and interpreting the history of Turkic peoples, the question sometimes arises about the continuity of the stages of ethnic history, their legal traditions and political institutions, and even statehood, less often the territory. This is due to the mobility of ethnic groups in historical retrospect, with the migration of peoples or with the movements of individual representatives of the ruling dynasties. In this regard, in histo¬rical science the question of localization of the ancestral homelands and migrations of Turkic peoples is more often raised. They were often characterized as military legionnaires (for example, Kipchaks), conquerors (Oghuz, Seljuks, Mughals, Uzbeks) or displaced involuntary persons (Mamluks and ghouls). Of particular interest is the question of the process of fragmentation of the state of Genghis Khan, with the formation of the Ulus system, the collapse of the Khanate Hordes and Uluses, and the emergence of new ethno-political formations. This review article provides the brief overview and analysis of the book “Abulkhair Sheybanid – the last ruler of Dashti-Qipchaq” (Almaty: Golden Book, 2018. – 176 p., in Kazakh and Russian), New materials and scientific conclusions of its author – Doctor of Science (History), professor Burkut G. Ayagan on the history of the post-Zolotovordian time associated with the state of Uzbeks-Kazakhs are considered. The book provides new data on the history of Dashti- Qipchaq in the 14th–15th Centuries. The reviewer gives a theoretical interpretation of the general vision of the course of historical processes.