مطالعات ادیان و عرفان تطبیقی (Aug 2021)
Religious experience, spiritual experience
Awareness and comprehensiveknowledge of thetruthof theexperience isoften the result ofwhich cannot beexplainedonlyby reference todaily life. Usuallythese experiencesareat the heart ofreligious traditionsandmanyoftheirfootprintscan be seen inrevolutionarymoments ofrevelationandspiritual inspirations. Reports that indicate sucheventsare probablythe deepestandmost well-knownarereportsthatcome to usfromallperiods andcultures. Followers of all religionshave hadsuchexperiencesandstillhave. This articleseeks to answersomebasic questions, such as, the exact meaning of spiritual, mystical and religious experiences, and whatdistinguishesthem. Spiritualexperiencemaybe consideredconsciousnessofanother level oflife the realm ofmystical experiencebe the experience of unity.