Revista de Educação e Pesquisa em Contabilidade (Jan 2013)
Análise da Estrutura de Propriedade das Empresas Listadas no ISE por meio da Aplicação de Redes Sociais
This study is aimed at verifying the configuration of the property structure and relationship network of shareholders in Brazilian companies listed on the BM&FBovespa Corporate Sustainability Index (CSI). Therefore, information was sought about the property structure, the structural configuration of the shareholders’ relationships and other characteristics for the 30 companies in the sample, over three consecutive years. As regards the methodological classification, a descriptive and documentary research with a quantitative approach was carried out. Data analysis was divided in two phases: the first involved descriptive statistics and the second the structuring of social relationships, when the configuration of the 1361 board of directors and executive board members’ relationships was verified, besides the existence of board interlocking. The results indicate that the structural and corporate configuration of the CSI companies’ relationships reveals a shared property structure, as two or more shareholders are in control; they also suggest that the property structure is interdependent, defining what part of investments will be made in according with socially responsible practices/activities, representing the application of this capital. These decisions can be influenced by the members of the company’s executive board and board of directors, who participate in other companies that adhere to sustainable practices. Finally, this research contributes to the area, indicating that board interlocking can be considered a driving factor in the transmission of a sustainable culture by board members in different companies.