Megaron (Jan 2019)
Evaluation Upon the Transformation of the Monuments and Memorials
We can live without architecture but we can not remember without it. J.Ruskin, 1849 As John Ruskin mentioned in his works about the monument and memory, architecture and the built environment has a major effect in the memory. The human history which is full of tradegies, the main aspect of life is the human existence and its death. Therefore the individuals created their own monuments and memorials as a tool to spread their traces in earth. Monuments are built to comemorize the important characters of the societies or toe remember the historical events which has an important role in making the history of the society. This article focuses on mainly the transformation of the monuments and memorials since the first monument was erected in the history till today. The meaning of the memory today has been discussed regarding four different monuments/memorials such as Holocasut Memorial in Berlin, The Monument for the German Soldiers in Berlin, 9/11 Memorial in USA and the Johnas Dahlberg's 'Memory Wound' Memorial which has not been realized yet.