Актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики (Mar 2022)
Somatic Verbalization: a Paralanguage of Gratitude (According to Corpus Linguistics)
The article is devoted to the study of paralinguistic means of expressing gratitude. The purpose of the article is to establish the place of body language in a number of sign languages when expressing gratitude and to describe the verbalization of its acoustic and somatic signs. The work used the methods of semantic, component, contextual and conceptual analysis, with the help of which the means of verbal embodiment of paralanguage signs of gratitude were investigated. The material for the research was the data of the National Corpus of the Russian Language. It is established that gratitude as an ethical category and moral feeling, along with verbal, also receives its bodily expression and is a semiotic phenomenon – a sign, the expression plan of which is also formed by “body language” – facial expressions and gestures, physiological manifestations, as well as behavioral acts. Paralinguistic means of expressing gratitude in a situation of real communication most often accompany verbal expressions of gratitude. Gratitude as a moral feeling is universal, but the means of its expression are specific and to a large extent ethnoculturally determined. Acoustic symbolic means of expressing gratitude are non-articulated voluntary and involuntary sounds: intonation and timbre of the voice, crying, sobbing, laughing, screaming, grunting, singing and applause. The paralanguage of gratitude in the field of kinetics is represented by facial expressions, gestures, body movements, physiological reactions and ritualized actions. Body signs of gratitude in the paralanguage of everyday communication are nonspecific: they are mostly signs of manifestation of love, sympathy, respect and reverence, interpreted as signs of gratitude exclusively situationally, and the semiotic system of sign language of everyday communication is secondary and only complements the primary, sound system. In mind and in language, gratitude exists in indissoluble unity with ingratitude, where it opposes both “simple ingratitude” – indifference, and “black ingratitude”, where indifference is replaced by hostility. The zero form of expression also extends to the kinetics of “simple ingratitude”, which is marked by the absence of any paralinguistic signs of positive emotional manifestations, while “black ingratitude” is also expressed by bodily signs of hostility.