Peshawar Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences (Jul 2017)

Impact of Self Efficacy on Personal Growth among Distance Learners

  • Iram Batool,
  • Ruqia Safdar Bajwa,
  • Hamida Bibi,
  • Asghar Ali Shah

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 1
pp. 21 – 34


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Self-efficacy is the person’s complete belief on his or her abilities that he or she succeeds in a specific situation. Different activities covered by Personal growth which develop aptitudes, improve identity and boost our quality of life. The present study was intended to explore the impact of self-efficacy on personal growth among distance learners. It was deeply focused on new emerging trend of distance learning in Pakistan. Data was collected through simple random sampling from participants (males and females) aged 20-32. For the purpose of data collection two scales were used in this research i.e., Personal Growth Initiative Scale (PGIS -II; Robitschek, Ashton, Spering, Geiger, Byers, Schotts, & Thoen, 2012) and Self Efficacy scale (Schwarzer &Jerusalem,2000). Analysis of the data revealed that there is a significant impact of self-efficacy on personal growth. No gender differences were found on personal growth Initiative and self-efficacy. The findings conclude that the present study will be fruitful in uplifting the society’s emerging trend of distance learning and to provide quality education to the door step of every member of the society.
