Sakarya University Journal of Education (Aug 2016)
Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Studies of Teaching Mathematics in Inclusive Settings Survey
The aim of the research is to adapt the Teaching Mathematics in Inclusive Settings (TMIS) survey into Turkish and determine their psychometric properties over the country sample. The research was performed with 338 general education teachers who are responsible teaching mathematics to inclusive students. The scale in which linguistic equivalence and face validity were achieved was a measuring tool of 9-point grading type including 12 items and two sub fields. CFA results (x2/df=4.4, RMSEA=.07, SRMR=.04, GFI=.92, AGFI=.86, NFI=.98, NNFI=.96, RFI=.96, IFI=.97 and CFI=.98) indicated that the scale had an acceptable goodness of fit. It was observed that the scale achieved criterion related validity. It was determined that Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency reliability and split-half reliabilities were high, item total correlations were high and the differences between %27 upper-lower groups were significant. In the light of the findings, it can be stated that TMIS survey can be used as a valid and reliable measuring tool in determining the efficacy of general education teachers in Turkey for teaching mathematics to inclusive students.