中西医结合护理 (Nov 2021)
Nursing care of a patient with hypertensive headache treated with a trilogy of auricular therapy (耳穴“三部曲”治疗高血压头痛1例的护理体会)
This paper summarized the nursing care of a patient with hypertensive headache treated with a trilogy of auricular therapy. The trilogy of auricular therapy consisted of three steps of treatment: auricular acupressure, bloodletting at the ear tip and auricular pressure treatment. Auricular acupressure was carried out to dredge meridians of ear, improve the microcirculation and reduce the degree of headache. The ear-tip bloodletting therapy showed a sound effect of vasodilation and blood-pressure regulation. The auricular pressure treatment was effective to enhance the stimulation on auricular acupoints. Under the guidance of TCM theory, the treatment of hypertensive headache using the three steps of auricular acupuncture points was effective and improved the comfort and quality of life of the patient. (本文总结耳穴“三部曲”治疗高血压头痛的护理体会, 耳穴“三部曲”包括耳郭按摩、耳尖放血以及耳穴贴压, 通过耳郭按摩可以疏通全耳经络, 促进微循环, 调动全耳气血, 从而减轻患者头痛, 降低患者血压; 耳尖放血能起到舒张血管的作用, 对控制血压效果明显; 耳穴贴压进一步加强了耳部的持续刺激。患者经耳穴“三部曲”治疗, 血压得到有效控制, 头痛症状明显改善。)