Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Jul 2021)
Educational technology for bathing/hygiene of elders at home: contributions to career knowledge
ABSTRACT Objective: to build and validate an educational booklet for bathing and hygiene of elders at home. Methods: a methodological study, developed through data collection in literature and situational diagnosis, booklet construction, material qualification through validation by expert judges (11 nurses) and target audience (30 caregivers). Data were analyzed descriptively. The minimum content validity index of 0.80 was considered. Results: in content and appearance validation, experts assigned Content Validity Index global of 0.92, while for assessment of the material’s suitability, the booklet was classified as “superior”, with an average of 90%. In the validation of caregivers, the overall Content Validity Index was 1.0. Conclusion: the booklet was successfully validated and can be considered in the context of health education and collaborate with an adequate and safe practice of bathing and hygiene of elders at home.