Law. Human. Environment (Aug 2022)
The concept and essence of judicial protection of environmental human rights
The study is devoted to the examination of the essence of judicial protection of environmental human rights and the definition of the concept of “judicial protection of human rights”. The relevance of the study is due to the importance of the subject of judicial protection of environmental rights in war conditions. In the context of the implementation of the purpose of the study, the issues of judicial protection of environmental human rights in general and in war conditions, the study of legal doctrine and legislation in the relevant field, considering the judicial practice of resolving relevant disputes, are identified. During the study of the issue of judicial protection of environmental human rights, a comparative legal method was used, which helped to analyse and compare scientific views, theories, and approaches and consider problematic issues for their further solution. Due to the generalisation method, forecasting or proposing statements for improving the legal regulation of the protection of environmental human rights is applied, and due to the analysis method, the features of the principles of legal regulation of the protection of environmental rights are determined. In addition, the study is accompanied by quoting normative regulations, in particular, international treaties, which regulate all events that are currently taking place between Ukraine, the Russian Federation, and Belarus, but notes the non-fulfilment of such international treaties by Belarus and the Russian Federation. The study analyses the opinions of researchers in the field of environmental rights protection, which generally characterise the judicial practice of considering environmental disputes and emphasises the need to increase public activity in the protection of violated environmental rights. The study considers the practice of judicial protection of environmental human rights and describes the problems that exist in the context of the protection of environmental human rights. The specific features of judicial protection of environmental human rights are identified and the main examples of substantial violations of environmental human rights during the war with the Russian Federation are indicated, it is indicated what actions of the Russian Federation and Belarus caused damage to Ukraine in the field of environmental safety, with direct indication of specific objects that were hit by military equipment, as a result of which there is still a risk of environmental disasters not only in Ukraine but also in neighbouring countries. The proposals for improving the judicial protection of environmental rights outlined in this study are unique and effective for compiling scientific texts and conducting classes in the relevant field of law.