MedEdPORTAL (Jul 2012)
Child and Adolescent Development for Medical Learners: Context of Development
Abstract This resource focuses on the context of human development, recognizing that the historical and cultural stage on which a human life unfolds is more than just a backdrop against which an individual's biological growth and psychological development occur. Even when medical learners are psychologically sophisticated, it is not unusual for them to devalue course material deemed soft science, particularly when taught concurrently with challenging and volume-intensive courses requiring memorization of many details. Such was the case when this course was instituted at a large medical school more than 15 years ago. Because the material was felt to be essential to learners' integration of the biopsychosocial approach to patient care and also supportive of the course tenet that improved self-understanding and self-reflection support physician self-care and the doctor-patient relationship, course leaders undertook a process of course examination and improvement that is ongoing. Included in this resource are assessment samples from in-house course evaluations and also from other institutions exposed to the materials that support the success of the curriculum. The authors believe that the comprehensive course format utilizing a multimedia approach, with lectures, after-class activities, case correlations, and more, appeals to almost all learners. This resource is one module that can stand alone as a topic or be linked with the five other modules in the Child and Adolescent Development for Medical Learners curriculum.