BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2021)

Floristic diversity of Dagestan florocoenotypes

  • Murtazaliev Ramazan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 38
p. 00083


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The paper provides information on the floristic diversity of the florocenotypes of Dagestan 43 florocenotypes and 3 types of plant communities in anthropogenically altered habitats which are combined into three groups have been identified. It is registered that the most floristically rich florocoenotypes in the lowlands and in the zone of low foothills are shrub steppes (498 species), xerophilous forests and light forests of the Mediterranean type (462), forbs dry steppes of foothills (431) and herbcereal dry meadows of foothills (334), and in the mountain areas: polyurus vegetation (499 species), steppe after forest meadows (381), mixed deciduous forests (362), subalpine meadows (312) and xerophytic lithophyton with 310 species. Floristically poor florocenotypes are aquatic vegetation of mountain lakes with 14 species, vegetation of water bodies (53 species), precaspian floodplains (67) and precaspian curtain meadows (78 species). During the analysis of the floristic similarity, the florocoenotypes were combined into several clades, which we conditionally distinguished into the following groups: desert, hydrophytic, mesophytic, steppe, and arid.