Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Jun 2016)
Vasylieva N., Yaremchuk O. Development of psychiatpsychiatric care at the Northern Bukovina under the authauthority of the Austrian monarchy. Medicine has always based its development on certain Medicine has always based its development on certain theoretical postulates that have been the basis for the creation of practical measures to improve health. Formulation of theoretical postulates always begins with a study of the stages of their development, achievements and mistakes. In other words, an expert on higher education, which represents modern medicine, can not know its history. History of medicine helps to understand the current state of the healthcare industry and provide prospects for its development. However, it is understood that the development of medicine affect a variety of factors, such as socio-political processes, state of the regional economy and others. Analyzing the literature on the history of health, including mental (psychiatric) health care in Northern Bukovina, concludes that in this issue there are some contradictions and inaccuracies, including at the mention of the names of which was found as a result of the search operation. This is probably due to the large number of publications is journalistic nature and insufficient analysis of the works of historians and documents from the collections of the State Archives of Chernivtsi region. The article deals with the questions of establishment and development of medical, particularly psychiatric health care organization principles in the territory of Northern Bukovina during her time under the rule of the Austrian monarchy. According to historical documents into development of psychiatric health care has been amended. Characteristic of administration staff, changes in the structure, material and technical conditions of regional psychiatric hospital was described. Opening a separate hospital for patients with psychiatric diseases was in 1902. Until 1902, patients with psychiatric disorders were treated in general hospitals of the city. In order to obtain more reliable information about the disease, improve supervision of patients, physicians were required to live and hospital’s territory. Accordingly, were built two-storey houses in the hospital. At the hospital operated a pharmacy, laboratory, X-ray room, kitchen, club, library and more. The surrounding area have been transformed into a kind of oasis orchard, ornamental trees, flower beds, a pond. Organization of health, including psychiatric health care in the territory of Northern Bukovina during her time under the rule of the Austrian monarchy held under current conditions. Administrations of the city concern to health issues contributed to a noticeable improvement in the provision of psychiatric health care that was in the end of XIX - early XX century. Is associated with the opening of a specialized medical facility with qualified medical staff and equipped in accordance with scientific achievements of the time. Key words: psychiatric health care, Bukovina, hospital, Austrian monarchy. Васильева Наталья, Яремчук Оксана. Развитие психиатрической помощи на Cеверной Буковине во времена Австрийской монархии. В статье на основе использования исторических источников прослежено и проанализировано развитие медицинской, в частности психиатрической помощи на территории Северной Буковины во время ее пребывания под властью Австрийской монархии. Материал преподнесен сквозь призму исторических событий, имевших место в регионе в описываемое время. Внесены изменения, которые носят уточняющий характер, в историю организации и развития психиатрической помощи населению Северной Буковины. Ключевые слова: психиатрическая помощь, Буковина, больница, Австрийская монархия