Fluids (Dec 2022)
Ground-Penetrating Radar Method for Studying Water Drainage in Sand Layers
A ground-penetrating radar (GPR) technology was developed to study the process of water drainage in sand layers with an insignificant concentration of dusty and clayey particles when moistened from above. The technology includes a method of calibration of the GPR equipment, algorithms for processing the GPR information, and their software implementation. The technology was used to process the results of laboratory GPR measurements obtained during draining of water through sand layers from different quarries for 100 h. The absolute values and the changes in the refractive index and specific conductivity near the sand layer upper boundary and on average over the layer depth were calculated. The results show that the developed technology makes it possible to determine electrophysical properties with an accuracy of up to 10%. The developed method for calculating relative reflectivity and its derivative with respect to the depth of the layer made it possible to visualize the information contained in the radargrams on the distribution of water near the surface and deep in the sand layers. The application of the method makes it possible to quantitatively estimate the moisture content near the upper boundary of the layer and the depth of the location of the most moistened areas of the layer depending on the duration of water drainage.