Translational Research in Anatomy (Mar 2020)

Use of essential analogies in clinical anatomy active learning curriculum: A personal reflection

  • Narendra Pamidi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18


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Essential analogies may help students in developing a better understanding of complex areas of anatomy curriculum. This report describes the observations followed by reflections of the use of analogies in ‘anatomy active learning’ and ‘practical sessions’ in a medical school. In active learning sessions, when analogies used appropriately, students may remember better where structural comparisons are made with objects or materials that are similar in respects in areas such as ‘embryology’ and ‘neuroanatomy’ and ‘peritoneum’ etc. Academic educators have the responsibility to plan or recognize the most relevant and innovative strategies for the process. In conclusion, the use of analogies may stimulate student's interest in anatomy learning and facilitate in developing meaningful concepts. Keywords: Analogies, Clinical anatomy, Active learning