Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física ()
Lifter - High voltage plasma levitation device
This paper shows in detail the construction and operation of an apparatus that levitates when submitted to voltages greater or of the order of 20 kV. This device, which basically corresponds to an asymmetric capacitor, is commonly known in the literature by the name ‘lifter’. It also will be shown in this article, through rather simplified calculations, that the physics grounds of the observed levitation effect are intrinsically related to the transference of linear momentum of the ions (positive or negative) to the surrounding atmosphere. These ions are produced within the conductor of very small curvature (hence, great electrical potential) due to the so called corona effect and, once created, they are immediately accelerated by the intrinsic electric field lines configuration, producing multiple collisions with the air molecules, causing the transference of momentum and, therefore, provoking the observed lifter ascendant impulsion.